




Q: 访问开始,我想问你怎么看待,作为阿里巴巴集团董事局主席的角色与你公益使命之间的关系?


Q: 你在公益方面正在取得成功吗?

A: 10年前我说要把我们年收入的0.3%拿来做公益,来保护环境,来做教育。那会儿没人在意这件事,只是营收的0.3%,那个时候我们没啥营收。没关系。董事局批准说,去做吧。现在我们的营收很大了。我说,我们必须坚持这么做,不是利润的0.3%,而是营收的0.3%。

Q: 说到科技,你认为科技如何能用以实现你对于变革教育的愿景?

A: 过去百年,我们教给学生的是知识、科学、产业,但在未来,我们要教育孩子则是关乎创新、创意、建设性,你要怎么做机器做不了的事情,或者机器不可能做得比人类好的事情。这是教育的关键。我一直在思考这个问题。

Q: 这是你关注的事情。

A: 是的,我可以是老师,年轻创业者的导师。我不把自己称为成功的商业人士,但我在生活中是成功的。

Q: 当你与你西方的朋友们沟通时,这个能有助于消除分歧吗?
A: 我希望可以,也认为会的。有一样东西我们是共同的:中国人和美国人都有爱、尊重和信任的心灵。这是我们应该有的共同语言。就像我说的,第一次技术革命带来了一战,第二次技术革命带来了二战,现在我们身处第三次技术革命中,会发生什么?我们不能有战争,如果一定要有战争,那应该是面向贫穷的战争、面向疾病的战争、面向环境破坏的战争。我们应该一起去面对。我们应该找到共性,携手合作,那就能建立起信任。要去抱怨很容易,去指手画脚也很容易。但我们需要有人站出来说,这是问题,我们一起去解决,就能转变成我们所有人的机遇。我希望这是我能去做的事情。

Q: 相对中国很多科技公司来说,你聘请了更多的女性员工?性别平等对于阿里巴巴来说多重要?

A: 非常重要。上个世纪的竞争是肌肉的竞争,本世纪的竞争是智慧、体验和关怀的竞争。我们公司有超过50%的员工是女性,34%的高管是女性。这是阿里巴巴的成功秘诀之一。我们为拥有众多女性领导者感到非常骄傲。这就是软实力,柔性的力量,而不是机枪炮弹式的力量。这是关怀的力量。

Ma, who turns 54 Monday, had already started to hand off responsibilities years ago, giving up the chief executive officer post in 2013. Still, he has remained executive chairman and continued to wield tremendous influence within the company. He has been the public face of the company -- and indeed China’s technology industry -- while Daniel Zhang serves as CEO with a new generation of management in support.

“Jack stepping down won’t affect the company too much because he hasn’t been looking after daily business for sometime and Daniel Zhang has been taking on the majority of managing responsibilities,” said Steven Zhu, an analyst with Pacific Epoch. “Alibaba has done a lot of preparation for talent supply and nurturing.”

An Alibaba spokesman declined to comment but advised citing the SCMP’s story. An earlier story by the New York Times said Ma would step down Monday.

Alibaba, now valued at more than $400 billion, has expanded well beyond its original focus on e-commerce into cloud computing, digital payments and investing in China’s startups. Ma’s departure is a reflection of confidence in current management, which is controlled by 36 partners including Zhang.

“I have full confidence in my team and in the partner structure, which lots of investors don’t like,” Ma said in his interview with Bloomberg. “I think some day, and soon, I’ll go back to teaching. This is something I think I can do much better than being CEO of Alibaba.”

Ma said he sees himself as an accidental executive. He was an English teacher before moving into the business world with Alibaba’s founding almost 20 years ago. He now has a net worth of more than $40 billion according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. He didn’t indicate if he would give away his money or put it into a trust as other billionaires have done.

“I’ve prepared a Jack Ma Foundation. All these things that I’ve been preparing for 10 years,” he said. “There’s a lot of things I can learn from Bill Gates. I can never be as rich, but one thing I can do better is to retire earlier.”

Ma was born in September 1964 to Chinese traditional musician-storytellers living in Hangzhou, an ancient capital that’s become a global high-tech hub and bastion of entrepreneurship, in part because of Alibaba’s base there. He started Alibaba.com in 1999 as a business-to-business marketplace, backed by $60,000 from 18 co-founders.

With savvy deals and an investment from SoftBank Group Corp., it’s now morphed into a behemoth that can make or break brands. Customers use its e-commerce platforms to order products that last year saw package deliveries reach 55 million a day. Ma also controls Ant Financial, the online financial platform that runs China’s largest mobile payment system and money-market fund. The business has more than 870 million users via payment system Alipay and its affiliates.

Alibaba has one of the strongest management teams in corporate China and, even if he steps down, Ma is likely to still have a role in setting top level strategy, said Brock Silvers, managing director of Kaiyuan Capital.

“When Jack Ma speaks longingly of retirement from Alibaba, there’s no reason not to take him at his word,” said Silvers. “On a day-to-day basis, Alibaba shareholders probably have little to fear should the charismatic Ma pull back a bit further."

A focus on education wouldn’t surprise keen followers of Ma, who has spoken frequently of its importance to him and some of his shortcomings as a student, including failing China’s national university exam twice.

“I was not considered a good student but I improved, we keep on learning all the time. So I want to devote most my time to this,” Ma said.

During his time as chairman, he has helped guide growth at home and overseas while also spearheading Alibaba’s 2014 initial public offering, the biggest ever. Ma was among the first foreign business leaders to meet with Donald Trump after his election.

Ma has thrived in the spotlight as he became a much sought-after guest for conferences around the world, even as tensions between China and the U.S. have risen over trade. But he has also said in the past that he isn’t happy being the wealthiest person in China, where vast personal fortunes have only emerged in recent years and are subject to intense scrutiny.

As someone who has met the leaders of the world’s two largest economies, Ma sees his future philanthropy as a way to bridge the divide between them

“People in China and America, one thing we have in common is the heart of love and respect,” Ma said. “This is a common language we have. The first tech revolution caused WWI, the second caused WWII, now we are a third revolution, what’s gonna happen? It should be a war against poverty, disease et cetera.”

If he were to leave the company he founded in a Hangzhou apartment, it would remain controlled by the partnership structure, which enables a group of executives at Alibaba and affiliates to decide on board nominations.

"It’s the system which I think I have contributed to along with my team and this will be able to make the company last long,” Ma said.



阎焱忆马云往事:曾发不出工资 孙正义飞杭州帮筹钱






